For those of you that don't know, I have another blog that goes along with my website.
Be sure to keep an eye out over there for specials and giveaways! Today, there is a giveaway over at www.three-peas.com giving away 3 of my Holiday Baby Bibs - so be sure to join in on the fun!
Well, with all of this wonky weather that we have had lately, all of our allergies have been going crazy. Poor Drew has had incredibly itchy, red eyes. His eyes were very red and swollen for a couple days, but didn't have the gunk or pinkness of pink eye yet and I was convinced it was just bad allergies. I decided to keep him home from school yesterday just in case, besides the fact that he would have just been miserable with how puffy his eyes were.
Well, I took him to the doc just in case, and sure enough by his 3pm appointment he started getting the pink eye gunk in his eyes. So he now has to have the antibiotic eye drops for pink eye put in his eyes, four times a day. Four times a day, you would think that we could have a better way to cure pink eye than pinning down a small child four times per day! The part that cracks me up is that the directions say to keep eyes closed for 1-2 minutes after putting drops in....yeah, right..... After the 4th dose I was able to hold his hands to keep him from rubbing his eyes and ask him to close his eyes and count to 30 with him, but that was as far as he could get. But the good news is that his eyes aren't nearly as red today.
So I have been slacking off with blogging lately. Maybe it is the fact that I have been going to the gym after Drew goes to bed at night during the time that I usually blog, or the fact that Drew has had some regression that has taken more attention lately, or that Tony has had more testing going on to figure out what is wrong with him, or that I had a brand new nephew born this week. I don't know, but I am trying to play catch up today so bear with me!
Thank you for all of the phone calls and emails to check to see if there was something wrong with the blog and to check on us. I will try to do better this month! Check out the back posts, there is too much catching up for one post!
(picture from last Winter - Drew loves the snug feeling of being in the cube)
As many of you know, Tony has had his ups and down this last year with his health. He has had stomach problems pretty much every week since November of last year. Over the last few weeks Tony has had more appiontments and testing done to try to figure out what is wrong. On Friday, he went in for an endoscopy. He now has to take 2 medications for his stomach to see if it helps. Hopefully over the next few weeks he will be feeling 100 times better!
Tony has also started seeing a new endocrinologist for his diabetes. Tony has not had a typical case of diabetes and was originally diagnosed as type 2, and then 1 1/2, and now 1. He was only diagnosed with diabetes in the last few years. The confusing diagnosis often made it hard for diabetes educators to help him and keep it under control. This new doctor is awesome. We had to wait a long time to get into him and he doesn't usually take new patients. It has been really great to basically "start over" with care. This doctor was really proactive in helping Tony figure out what is wrong with his stomach and thinks that his diagnosis last winter was wrong. He has also been proactive in getting Tony an insulin pump. We have received the pump, but Tony has to wait for his appointment next week to learn how to use it. Not only is this new doctor awesome, but the diabetes educator is a Registered Pharmacist and that makes Tony happy.
Tony was also pulled out of his Walgreens store in March to open a new store that just kept being pushed back. Great News! This week he has been in the new store getting it ready! It has still been pushed back another week, but construction is finishing up and hopefully they will start stocking product in the next couple weeks.
In August started babysitting a few days a week to try to get a little cash. Between the rising prices and all the medical bills, we really needed it. It isn't a lot of money, but it helps with the gas and food. I babysit a little boy who is 15 months old. He is an absolute sweetheart and such a good boy. Drew and him get along 90% of the time and play really well together.
Baby Cousin Cooper arrived on September 9th at 10:00 pm. He was 7 lbs 5 oz and has the cutest reddish blonde hair. I can't wait to see pictures of the little cutie and the new family.
Drew is still basically taking credit for him. It is so cute. He says MY Baby Cousin. We have talked about that he is outside of Aunt Amber's tummy now and his name is Cooper, so now he is "MY Baby Cousin Cooper" He still hasn't dropped the Baby Cousin. I can't wait to see him!!
This is what Drew thought of my idea of taking some cute first day of school pictures..... obviously this didn't go so well... Just imagine a cute little smile on his cranky face....
Once we headed for the door, Drew was a little more happy to let me take a picture. He looks like such a big boy!
Today was the last Friday before school starts! Tiffanie from Three Peas and I decided to take the kids to the zoo for one last hoorah before school started. Her son and Drew are in the same class at school, and love to get together to play. We packed up her 3 kiddos and Drew in her van and headed on a little road trip.
Poor Drew, he has had eczema for as long as I can remember. We have done the basic hydrocortisone for the last year and it really hasn't made a difference. Drew has finally started sleeping more than 4 hours per night and for the longest time he now gets up around 2 am every night screaming. We realized in the last few weeks that he is also itching like crazy when he gets up. He usually will go back to sleep, but after a lot of fussing. He is just miserable. We also notice that when he takes a nap, he wakes up itching and scratching.
Drew had a great time with Aunt Alyssa this week. Of course, I'm sure Alyssa was ready to get home to sleep in without Drew running around like a wild man at 6 am, and screaming "wake up lazy beans." Poor Alyssa, it's a good thing she isn't a light sleeper! ....and Alyssa, he tells anyone who is sleeping, 'wake up lazy beans' so it isn't just you. He seems to get a kick out of waking us up in the morning by saying that. Drew is such a morning person.
Aunt Alyssa helping Drew onto the Elephant Statue.
Drew driving the helicopter
Alyssa taking a break in the misting tree.
Drew hatching out of the eggs.
Alyssa and Drew talking about the monkey.
Alyssa took this picture of Drew and me. We hardly ever see pictures of me and Drew, because I am always the one taking them!
Thanks for visiting Alyssa! We had a great time!!!!
Well, we made it home. We had to leave a little earlier than planned to get home to watch DEA dog. But we had a great trip! We even brought Aunt Alyssa back with us, so I am sure we will have a great time this week!
I do apologize that we didn't get to see everyone. It was a busy week and we didn't stay in town the whole time so it was hard to get around to everyone.
As usual, it was a long ride home, but Drew watched a few movies and slept just a Little bit.
When Drew wants quiet, sometimes he says "Stop singing!" Of course with his southern accent, he says 'stop sangin'. Yes, my boy has a southern accent, not so sure how, but he does. It's kind of funny sometimes.
On the car ride home, apparently Daddy was talking too much and Drew held his hand out and said "STOP WORDING!" It was so funny and he was so serious. We decided he meant Stop Talking.
One of Drew's favorite things about staying at Great Grandma's House was picking little tomatoes every night! That boy LOVES tomatoes!