Ear infection that is. I decided to take Drew to the doctor on Friday and sure enough he has another ear infection. For some reason his fever has been a little rough the last couple days. Alternating tylenol and motrin every few hours and the fever still breaks through sometimes. Overall he is still really happy and very bouncy. He has had two days of antibiotics now so I am hoping that tomorrow will be a little better. Poor guy.
It's funny, while I don't take for granted the progress Drew has made, sometimes it is easy to forget where we were a few months ago. I say this because when Drew doesn't feel well, it seems to bring out some of the things that I have not seen in a while. He has been lining things up again, spinning, jumping all over the place, and tuning me out more than usual. He also only slept 4 hours last night, which we haven't seen in a while. He has been averaging an almost normal 10-11 hours plus a nap!
I also think that he hallucinates when his fever is so high. Mom says that I used to hallucinate when I had high fevers, so I guess it is possible. He talks about weird things and even about ghosts and monsters when his fever his high.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Another one....
Friday, June 27, 2008
My silly boy...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Day at the Movies...
One of the great things about summer is FREE movies! I do love that about living here in the summer. Several of the local theaters offer free movies during the day on weekdays. They are usually movies that have come out within the last year or two and it is great! Last year we took Drew and his little friend S to see Curious George and Happy Feet, both of which they loved. We were surprised at how well they sat through the movie and really enjoyed it, especially considering they were just 2 1/2. Well surely at 3 1/2 they will love it just as much....right? Well, so we thought. We took them yesterday and we didn't make it all the way through before we had to go. (at least it was free). I must say though, I think it was just a poor movie choice, it was not a good movie for them and it did not keep their attention. So I do think we will try again another week with another movie.
I think the kiddos enjoyed the fountain out in front of the theater more than the movie itself! Here are some pictures. The boy in the middle of Drew and S is one of my friend's sons. It is funny to see that he is a year younger than those too...It's amazing how much they grow in a year! ...and yes that is my child to climb into the fountain....ugh....boys will be boys...
Monday, June 16, 2008
20 minutes at a time...

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Oh Boy....Potty Training....
Fun with Dea dog
Well, DEA dog came to stay with us again this week while grandma and grandpa went on vacation. They are coming back to get her tonight. Drew has had fun with her again this week. He has even figured out how to play basketball with her! We are so lucky that Dea is so gentle and careful with him. Here is a video of them playing together this week.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
This one's for Cinnamon
also titled:
Drew and the Pig
Drew's pretend play skills are getting so good! I am constantly amazed at him. He would have never done something like this a few months ago.
Cinnamon gave Drew this pig the last time we were in Texas. The other day Drew found a wet wipe and started cleaning the pig.
If you watch carefully you will see: * DEA dog, *Daddy in his stockings, *the spot on the carpet that Drew took a green sharpie marker to one night while we were sleeping
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
He did it AGAIN
I should put a note on my calender to check the fridge settings a couple times a week. I should know better.
I opened up the freezer to get some ice cubes this evening. They were all kind of small and stuck together. I thought.. Hmmm... that is strange, then I looked down and popsicles were dripping all over the freezer. I have no idea how long it was turned off. But I know last night he had a popsicle that was completely frozen, so it couldn't have been too long.
This is not the first time this has happened. Last fall we thought the fridge had died and even went and bought another one. We realized before it was delivered that the setting was changed to zero and were able to get our money back. So at least this time I knew where to look....and who the culprit was.
So now I have to dump all of the food out of the fridge and freezer when Drew goes to bed. I am waiting until he is in bed because I am afraid that he will want the food that I am pulling out.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Daddy's first day...
Daddy's first day back to work...
Tony went back to work yesterday for the first time in quite a while. He has been out on disability due to his legs and then his surgery. He was in good spirits yesterday and was happy to get back in the swing of things. He said his legs were a little sore but his feet felt awesome!
The doctor said his legs would stay sore for a couple weeks, but he should be fine to work. His ultrasound came back AOK, with no blook clots and everything looking just as it should. His legs were a little swollen yesterday, but he was standing on them for a lot longer than he has been in a long time, not to mention the tenderness from the surgery.
We are so thankful that the surgery worked out so well and hope he continues to feel great!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Cookie Monster Strikes Again
While one batch of the cookies were in the oven, I was loading the dishwasher. Next thing I know I see Drew tip toeing out of the kitchen. I turn around and look at the cookie sheet. One of the cookies was gone.....one of the raw uncooked cookies! I told him to put it back. He whined a little, and slowly walked back to the stove. He acted like he was going to put it back on the cookie sheet and bam, shoved the whole thing in his mouth.

Monday, June 2, 2008
Growth Spurt
Seriously, if Drew isn't going through a growth spurt, then I don't know what the deal is.
He comes to me every 1-2 hours and says
"I hungry"
"me want a popsicle"
"want a cereal bar"
"want dinner"
sometimes he says these things while signing "eat" or "hungry"
Yesterday he ate 2 bowls of cereal at random times of the day, 2 cereal bars, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a hot dog, applesauce, most of his dinner (chicken, etc.), 3 popsicles, and some other random snacks.
...and today was pretty much the same way
Most days Drew is a breakfast eater. He may eat three small breakfasts before lunch and then barely eat anything the rest of the day. He loves breakfast foods: pancakes, eggs, cereal, etc.
I wonder how tall he will be by the end of the summer