born 5/19/09
5:10 pm
7 lbs 7 oz
20 inches long
At my 1pm doctors appointment, the doctor sent me to the hospital for observation. She said that today was not baby day but that they wanted to make sure everything was okay. So we headed to the hospital and I was hooked up to the monitor. While the nurse was admitting me she noticed that I was having regular contractions. They weren't painful and weren't anything that I would have complained about or even noticed that they were coming regularly. They decided to give me fluids since I was a little dehydrated to see if it would make the contractions stop. Instead of stopping, the contractions became more intense and 4-5 minutes apart. The doctor came in and decided that we should go ahead and have the baby today. We figured by then it would be the evening before we had the baby since I was having a c-section, but the next thing we knew I was being prepped for surgery and told that we would have a baby within the hour! They had an opening in the OR and had an anesthesiologist available, so we had to take the opportunity. Tony called mom and had her bring Drew up to the hospital and they arrived just in time to meet baby Jillian.
Within just a few hours after being told that today was "not baby day" we got to meet our baby girl. Turned out to be a blessing that we went ahead with the c-section one week before our scheduled date. The doctor said that I had a partial placental abruption which was the cause of the unexplained bleeding that I had been sent to the hospital for observation for.
Proud Grandma
1 comment:
Kelly, she's absolutely beautiful! I'm so glad everything worked out so well with the delivery. I hope you are adjusting to life at home with two now. I'll get in touch in a few weeks and bring you a meal. Congratulations!
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