We headed to Athens, GA for a weekend trip for Tony's cousin Andy's wedding.
This was Drew's first road trip with his new travel pillow. He loved it, but when he got tired he always took it off of the seat belt. Kind of like he was afraid he would fall asleep if it was there, and yep.... everytime he fell asleep he wasn't using it.

Occupying himself at the rehearsal dinner by reading his books (and playing with his cousin!)

Jillian loving on Daddy and being her sweet happy self!

Drew and Tony walking to the wedding.
I didn't get any pictures of the actual wedding. I was too busy handing Drew skittles one by one during the ceremony to keep him quiet.

Patiently waiting for the dancing to start!

Dancing with the girls!

Time to take the sweater off...

...now back to the dance floor!

He had a GREAT time dancing with his cousin and needless to say he slept very very well that night!

The handsome boys!

The girls!

My handsome little man! He was pretty much done with pictures by this point!

Congratulations to Andy and Kristy! We had a great weekend in Athens and enjoyed visiting with all of the family!