Thursday, December 27, 2007

Flour Power

 It's amazing what can happen while I dry my hair


Monday, December 24, 2007

3 year check up

Drew had his 3 year check up today.  As usual he was in the upper 90's (percentile) as far as height and weight.   He was 40 inches and 40 pounds.  Big boy.  They tried to check his vision, which didn't go over to well.  He did NOT like covering one eye.  They also tried to take his blood pressure, but he wouldn't stay still enough.  Every time he moved the cuff got tighter and then he just would get upset and move some more.  The doc said he looked perfectly healthy and was very impressed with his progress.  

They said to focus more on working with his speech and communication and not worry so much about potty training.  

I was a little irritated, because I told them about switching his milk and how he was doing so much better now with his speech and major stims, and they seemed to be excited about that.  They even said that it sounded like he might have some lactose intolerance based on his change in symptoms with his tummy.  The kicker is that they wouldn't write a note for school.  At school they give them milk with their snack and won't substitute without a doctor's note.  They said that since he hadn't been tested, that the note would read a "suspected lactose intolerance" and the school wouldn't accept that. 

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Meet the Teacher

Drew starts school after Christmas Break, so we went to meet the teacher today.  She seemed nice.  Drew seemed to like the classroom, lots of new toys to play with.  They have a pretty strick routine for the 2 1/2 hours they are there.  I think that will be really good for them. 

I guess it feels like a bigger deal than it is, just because it is at the Elementary School instead of a regular preschool.  Since he is turning 3, to continue getting services like Speech he has to go to the school system now.  They offer Pre-K for 3 and 4 year olds with developmental delays.  Most of the kids just have a speech delay.  He is there for 2 1/2 hours a day, there is a teacher and an assistant daily, and a speech therapist 2 days a week.  There are only 5 kids in the class so there is plenty of attention and one on one.   So he will be in the 3 year old class the rest of this year, again next year, and the 4 year old class the following year....that is 2 1/2 years of Pre-K BEFORE he starts Kindergarten.  

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Growing Up

Today we had Drew's birthday party.  I can't believe my baby is 3 years old (well in a few more days).  Drew had a great time with family and friends.

I can't believe 2 things:
1.  Drew could open presents all by himself.....I didn't even have to start ripping the paper for him. 
2.  He blew out his candles all by himself!  - granted we did hold his hands behind his back so he couldn't grab them... 

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


So I have said many times before that I owe the people that make I SPY books millions of dollars. Something about those books unlocked the speech in my son (along with a dairy free diet). I don't know what it is, but it has been amazing. He can find everything in the books and his vocabulary is just huge because of all the things to find and look at in the pictures.

We decided to do an I SPY Christmas card this year, with things significant to us through this last year. We love it, but hopefully others will like it as well.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Biggest Fan

Drew loves his Uncle Matt and he is Uncle Matt's biggest fan.  Since he was born he always liked being with Uncle Matt.  After all, the first time he pooped was while Uncle Matt was holding him.  There is just something about him that inspires Drew.  

We made a trip to Indiana this week and Drew was so excited, he kept saying "Uncle Matt, Uncle Matt" the whole trip up.  Then we got there and Uncle Matt had class that night and didn't get home until late.  We let Drew stay up to see him, I just didn't have the heart to put him to bed without seeing him.  

While we were there, it snowed - A LOT!  Drew stuck his tongue out and caught the snow with his tongue!  That is so exciting because he couldn't do that before he had his tongue clipped this Spring!  You don't think about being able to do things like that when you are tongue tied.  

Uncle Matt played in the Snow with Drew and took him to see his new boat in his barn.  They even pretended to shoot carp on the boat.  Grandpa will be so proud!

We also got to spend some quality time with Tony's Parents.  Tony spent some time with his Dad and we went to dinner with him and his stepmom one evening.    We met Tony's mom at work one day and she introduced Drew (and us) to all of her co-workers and we had lunch with her.  Drew sat in the booth with his Grandma and read her his I SPY book and shared chips and salsa.  So much fun!!!


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